Или: women in oil compete in an attempt to stay on a slippery spinning bull
Или: Women in short skirts compete in high jumps on the beach
Или: women in Russian folk sundresses compete in the high jump in the forest by the campfire
Или даже так:
Или: women in oil compete in an attempt to stay on a slippery spinning bull
Или: Women in short skirts compete in high jumps on the beach
Или: women in Russian folk sundresses compete in the high jump in the forest by the campfire
Или даже так:
Дед, чо нет другого контента?
Смотри какие клевые джинсы у тебя были.
Через сто лет будет неважно, какие у кого были джинсы! Надо отталкиваться от смысла жизни!
Gnida, вот тебе ещё промты для заполнения «рабочего» времени:
— retarded fat uncle is punished by his wife and step son gay
— fat old faggot go with stupid complaints to police and got nothing but a bunch of virtual dicks
— lazy fat old retarded gay is filling in Excell tables with dream incomes